St John Baptist, King Street. The first
building, in 1761, was paid for by John Bourne, the present one dates
from 1792-5. Brick, with an embraced W tower. W doorway with Tuscan
demi-columns. A circular window over. Doorway and window are under one
giant blank arch. The nave is five bays long; pointed windows in two
tiers, galleries inside. Transepts and chancel 1827-8.
Behind the church the Church School of 1822. Symmetrical, of
one story, with two steeply pointed, tall doorways, side by side and
under one gable in the middle.

St. John the
Baptist Church - February 1975
The church was demolished in 1979 because of mining
Source: "Kevin Long"

on St
John the Baptist
Town Hall, Times Square. Times Square was first
laid out in 1789. The first town hall was built here in 1844. The
present building is of 1863 by Burrill. Ashlar, of thirteen
bays, classical in style. The centre has a three-bay porte-cochere and
giant upper Ionic columns carrying a pediment. Pediments also over the
angle bays. The less stressed parts have only blank windows on the min
floor. The S extension is of 1912-13 by J. H. Beckett. The
Market Hall is behind.

Longton Town Hall
-photo 2006 c. fotodiscs4u -
In 1985 the local
council wanted to demolish this building.
however after much public outcry it has
survived and now carries a grade 2 listing

Immediately S of the market hall is the Bennett
Precinct, a new shopping structure, by Ian Fraser &
Associates, opened in 1965, and architecturally the best of the
Five Towns.

Bennett Precinct, Longton