Enoch Wood & Sons


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Baltimore & Ohio Railroad

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad - 10inch plate

The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad plate was one of many "American views" produced by Enoch Wood and Sons of Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, England.

The engraving used was of Hetton Railroad, England. It was first published in The American Traveller Broadside, Boston in 1826 and subsequently reproduced in Dunbar's History of Travel in America, Vol II, p.725. Dumbar states: "probably the primary picture of an actual railway printed in the United States."

The view shows and English type of engine similar to that designed by George Stephenson in 1825. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad was built to transport freight and transport over the Allegheny Mountains. It was begun in 1828, but not until June 1831 was a practical steam locomotive built for regular service. This locomotive was perfected by Phineas Davis of York, Pennsylvania, for the Baltimore & Ohio.

Halsey has suggested that the ceramic views were made about the time of the laying of the rails for the Baltimore & Ohio, 1828. This was two years after the engraving was published in Boston.

The shell border with the circle surrounding the central view was the most frequently used for "Views of America"

The foreground shows sprays and clusters of various flowers on a dark ground across the front.
Middle distance - Right to left,  a quaint train. Early English locomotive with tender and three open freight cars. The locomotive has six driving wheels, a boiler the whole length, with man on running board, and smoke stack in front, three times height of boiler.  Open country from train to background, two large trees in centre.
Another unique freight train crossing county in diagonal line from background to middle distance right.

Background - Range of hills, hills and a few houses.




Impressed mark:

across the top of the circle:

E. Wood & Son Burslem 

bottom of the circle:


 centre of the circle:

semi china
primitive eagle stamp

This printed mark was often used on the "American Views" series. A printed American Eagle facing right, in his mouth a scroll attached to a shield, and above a scarf on which are the words, "E Pluribus Unum"

"E Pluribus Unum" was the motto proposed for the first Great Seal of the United States by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson in 1776. A Latin phrase meaning "One from many," the phrase offered a strong statement of the American determination to form a single nation from a collection of states.

Enoch Wood & Sons - index page


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email: Steve Birks


updated: 23 Feb 2006