William Adams and Sons
(Potters) Ltd
NOTE: This article which
originally appeared in a 1956 book 'British Potters and Pottery Today', is based
mainly upon accounts provided mainly by the firms themselves. |
is appropriate that the alphabetical arrangement here adopted should give pride
of place to an account of the Adams Potteries, for the story of the Adams family
of North Staffordshire
takes us back as far as 1299 and suggests that they are the oldest potter family
of which record exists.
We must confine ourselves to
the briefest details of the family history prior to the eighteenth century, by
which time, as Master Potters, they ranked with the best – the Astburys,
Woods, Mayers;
with Whieldon, Turner and Spode.
The present
principals of the firm trace their descent in a continuous and unbroken line
from William de Adams of Burslem, born
1365, who died in 1417. The earliest record of an Adams producing
Pottery lies in the report of 1448 of William and Richard Adams (grandsons of
the above) being fined for digging clay
(obviously for the making of ceramic wares) by the roadside in
Burslem. These two members of the family were both described in the Tunstall
Court Rolls as Master-Potters and are the
first to be described as such. Since William and Richard there have been
seventeen generations of the Adams family, every one of which, with the
exception of three generations in the
sixteenth century, is known to have carried on the ancient and honourable
craft. No family can show a comparable record to this.
An important landmark
in the seventeenth century was when, in 1657, Robert Adams and
son John of Hadderridge and Brick House, established the Brickhouse Potteries.
At the time these were the only works of any size yet built in Burslem.
The son
and two grandsons of this John (the latter named John and Ralph) carried the
business on the road to success, particularly Ralph who, as Master Potter,
enlarged the Brickhouse Works
did much otherwise to improve the output.
Still another John followed his father
Ralph, during whose time the Brickhouse Pottery became famous for its salt-glaze
wares, the secret of
it has been said. had been discovered by William Adams (1642-1712) and a Bagnall
potter named Palmer.
We must remember, however, the much earlier discovery by Dwight of Fulham, which
in 1571 was patented as his 'mystery of transparent earthenware'. The Elers
probably brought it to
Staffordshire and Burslem became the chief centre of its manufacture. |

At this time the Brickhouse
Potteries were making wares as fine as any Elers produced including salt-glaze,
dinner, tea and coffee services, mugs, cups, bowls, etc.– a full range of
useful wares of good quality.
Coming well into the eighteenth century we must next notice Richard Adams
(1739-1811) of Cobridge and Bankhouse,
Bagnall. His father was a William and his mother a member of the Whieldon
family. The Cobridge works made a wide range of salt-glaze ware such as was
being made by Astbury and Whieldon. He never
made cream ware.
About 1790 he retired, at which time his cousin, William Adams of Greengates was
in the forefront as a maker of blue printed
wares, Jasper and stone ware, while another cousin, also a William,
was paramount at Cobridge.
Other members of the family
were in the industry as contemporaries.
There was Joseph
of Burslem, who must be mentioned if only because one of his Daughters
married one of the
Bagnall branch and had a son (William) who, at Greengates, made the original
Adams' Jasper wares,
which rivalled that of Wedgwood. He was born in 1746 and died in 1805.
Throughout his career
he was a friendly rival of Wedgwood; but his Jasper was not copied from the
latter. It was an independent discovery, as was that of Turner of
William Adams and Co. of Burslem specialised in cream coloured
ware and China Glazed Ware. He had works at Tunstall from 1799 and, later, at
Newfield not far from Greengates. As potteries went in those days Greengates
was extensive and famous. But, though large, it was found inadequate to his
growing needs – hence the
Newfield works. He had a depot in Fleet
Street, London, where tea sets, plaques, scent bottles, cameos, buttons and
lamp-pedestals were bought by the fashionable world. It is interesting to note
that this William Adams was commissioned to supply the famous architects Robert
and James Adam with dainty plaques of Jasper ware for insertion in mantelpieces,
cabinets, etc. thus contributing not a little to the charm and distinctiveness
of the famed 'Adam style'.
The factory at Newfield
was given up in 1805, leaving Greengates to be carried on by Trustees,
since Adams died in that year. His son Benjamin stepped into his shoes, devoting
his attention to stone
ware and blue printed and painted wares, such as his father had made. He had not
the artistic
gifts of
his father, however, and, having indifferent health, production fell off and he
sold Greengates in
1826. It thus passed out of
the family, but it is gratifying to know that it has since come back into
the Adams possession.

John Adams, of whom we
have spoken, had a son William, born in 1748 and only nine when his
father died. This was the occasion when Brickhouse Pottery was leased to
Wedgwood. When, in
1769, young Adams came of age he assumed control and carried on until about
1774-75 when the
factory was again let, this time to William Bourne, but he retained Cobridge.
About this time Adams was experimenting with transfer-printing, as were
Baddeley, Spode and William Adams in Tunstall. The printed wares made at
Cobridge were of good design, and well engraved. He owned his own mills for
grinding glaze at Milton, he had water-mills at Stanley, tileworks
at Trent Vale as well as collieries and a colour mill at Bagnall and Dale Hill
and paper mills at Sheddleton.
Richard Adams of Cobridge and Bagnall died in 1811. His only son
William was a great
potter who, in 1793, joined Lewis Heath of Burslem, whose daughter he married.
left the Burslem potter in 1804 and set up at Upper Cliff Banks at Stoke, where
he made blue printed
ware like his cousin at Cobridge. Besides earthenware he made bone china like
friend Spode.
By the early nineteenth
century William Adams had expanded his business greatly. He had six factories producing
– five at Stoke and one at Greenfield, besides two at Burslem let to John Wedgwood and Enoch Wood and Sons.
Taking his sons into partnership the firm became William Adams
and Sons with extensive overseas connections and they turned out every type of
useful earthenware, hospital wares and stone ware, besides high grade dinner
and tea services. In the 1840's they followed Copeland's lead in making
'Parian' ware figures modelled by Giovanni Meli and W. Beattie.
In 1853 the senior
partner William left to take over Greenfield, while Edward and Thomas carried
on the other firm until 1863 when the Stoke pottery closed, the good will
passing to Greengates, Tunstall. At the present day William Adams and Son of
Tunstall worthily carry on the long tradition. Among the great potter families
they are unique for they are directly descended from the Adams of Brick House,
Burslem and Cobridge, of Greengates, Bagnall, Stoke and
in unbroken succession for at least eleven generations and are the seventeenth
generation in succession from the first Adams to carry the title 'Master

NOTE: This article which
originally appeared in a 1956 book 'British Potters and Pottery Today', is based
mainly upon accounts provided mainly by the firms themselves. |