The Views, Penkhull
© Clive Shenton May 2001
Pair of houses. Early 19th Century.
Painted brick with plain tiled roof. 2-storeyed, of
one and two unit plan. The larger house has central doorway in flat
roofed porch with round arched entrance, flanked by wide 16-pane
sash windows with flat arched rendered heads on each floor, and an
additional window over the doorway.
Central rear wing, and lower added or raised bay to
the left with squared bay window. The smaller house has a doorway to
the left beneath a wood canopy carried on moulded console brackets,
and a canted bay window with slate roof and small upper panes to
sashes. 16-pane sashes above.
Side wall stacks in both dwellings. Modillion eaves
cornice across the whole facade.
Sir Oliver Lodge, the celebrated scientist, was born on June 12
1851 at 'The Views' Penkhull, Stoke-on-Trent. He was knighted
and made a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1902. Lodge's original
work in physics includes investigations of lightning, the
voltaic cell and electrolysis, and electromagnetic waves.