Sutherland Works incl 3 bottle
(Formerly Listed as: NORMCOT ROAD,
Longton Sutherland Works: range fronting street)
(Formerly Listed as: NORMACOT ROAD, Longton Two Bottle Kilns to
rear of premises at Sutherland Works occ. by Caroline China)
(Formerly Listed as: NORMACOT ROAD, Longton Bottle Kiln to
rear... at Sutherland Works occ. by Hudson & Middleton Ltd)
Pottery works. c1850.
Brick originally with tiled roofs,
part replaced with corrugated-iron; recently repaired following
fire damage. Main range fronting street, with bottle ovens and
other associated buildings in yard to rear. Main range red brick
with blue brick dressings, 2-storeyed, and built in 2 phases
with left-hand range of 7 bays then the lower entrance block
with 6 bays each side of projecting central bay with arched
entrance giving access to rear yard, and Palladian-type triple
window over.
Stuccoed moulded entrance arch
with pot in garland as keystone. Ground floor windows are
round-arched with continuous string course forming hood moulds.
Upper windows have stilted arches. Corbel table to eaves, with
coping over central gable. Left-hand range possibly later,
though all detailing is similar, including the stuccoed entrance
archway to the right.
Within the courtyard, 3 bottle
ovens are contained within rear ranges: all circular hovels with
updraught ovens.

Sutherland Works (Hudson & Middleton)
the frontage of the works is on
Normacot Road, the three bottle kilns are to the rear.
aerial photos:
MS Virtual Earth 2008

Hudson & Middleton
frontage (Normacot Road) with horse and cart
the bottle kilns