Route of Rykeneld Street (Roman Road)
then passing
Cauldon Place and Shelton Hall, a little on the left to Foul Hay
House, from whence it most likely proceeded up a hollow way or
dingle to Wolstanton Marsh; thence, perhaps, through the village of
Wolstanton, to the top of Port Hill, and along the present road
towards Bradwell Hall, in the direction of Chesterton; but we
are unable, after considerable diligence, to discover any traces of
the Rykeneld Street between Wolstanton and Chesterton. "
The Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent" John Ward, 1843
Route of the
packhorse lane
From Burslem, the Mother Town of the Potteries, an important
pack-horse road ran from the Market Square, as already mentioned,
via Pack-Horse Lane, winding by St. Paul's Church, Dalehall, via
Trubshaw Cross, fording the stream at Longbridge (Longport), by the
present road past a group of houses called Longbridge Hayes. From
thence it went round the Bradwell side of what is now Longport
Station and up the hill, now traversed by the road (made about
1875) and so on to Wolstanton and Newcastle."
A Sociological History of Stoke-on-Trent, E
J D Warrillow
'A bit of geography'
Nearly 2,000 years ago the Roman victors founded a camp near
Mount Pleasant, in the present village of Chesterton, near
Newcastle-under-Lyme, calling it Mediolanum.
If you were to make an immense cross from Chester to London, and
from Cardiff to Manchester, the centre thereof would be not far off
this village of Chesterton, and that cross would almost delineate
the ancient Roman roads in the north-west of Britain.
Now let us turn our attention to a pair of compasses, the apex of
which lay at Chesterton, and the legs stretching over Bradwell
Wood, across the narrow valley of Ravensdale, one point to
Longport and the other point to the last of the old posting inns—the
Swan Inn, at Tunstall. This pair of compasses, with legs each two
miles in length, would embrace the probable earliest location of
pottery in Staffordshire, and also some remarkable developments in
the art.
Beginning at Chesterton and its vicinity, where the Romans made
pottery, and iron also, in all probability, for it is said by Miss
Meteyard that Mr. Josiah Wedgwood found traces of a potworks here,
and looking eastward, on the left leg of the compass, we should in
one mile, as the bird flies, come to the locality where the Elers
Bros, erected their works at Bradwell Farm, and, still in a
direct line on the left leg of the compass, we should arrive in
another straight mile, at the aforesaid Swan Inn, on the old road
that runs from Newcastle through Tunstall, where it diverges to
Lawton and Biddulph. At this terminal point almost are, firstly, the
"Old Bank," and a few yards further we arrive at the manufactory
where pottery was first fired (or baked) in biscuit and afterwards
dipped in fluid glaze for the "glost" fire.
The latter works were, at the date of 1750, kept by Mr. Enoch Booth,
who was said to be the first man in England to fire his ware twice.
We have, then, in almost a straight line, within a distance of two
miles, the foundations of Romano-British pottery—Elers' pottery,
translucent pottery, and firing in duplicate, i.e., biscuit.
Old times in the
Potteries, W. Scarratt
