Why Etruria?
"This name merits individual entry because of its unusual, and
possibly unique, origins. Etruria is a comparatively modern name,
under 250 years old. Josiah Wedgwood's house, built here in 1760,
was named Etruria Hall, taken from an ancient region of Italy,
roughly modern Tuscany, where superb artistic statues, pottery and
friezes were uncovered dating from the 8th century BC. Wedgwood's
designs were based on these findings and, quite understandably, he
adopted the name. When the village for his work-force was erected it
also took the name of Etruria. As a purpose-built town it is no
surprise that one public house is known as the Rendezvous, an
invitation to all.
Not only the town name has Italian origins, Garibaldi Street
remembers Giuseppe Garibaldi (1802-82), Italian patriot and
guerrilla general who helped bring about the unification of Italy.
The local blacksmith could be found in Forge Lane; Salem Street is
the site of Salem Chapel.
from "Staffordshire Placenames"
Allbut (the map
and newspaper publisher),
described the new estate in the Staffordshire Pottery Directory,
1802, as follows:
"Etruria is situated on the
turn-pike road leading from Cobridge to Newcastle. It belongs
solely to Josiah Wedgwood, Esq. who has here a very extensive
earthenware manufactory, a handsome seat, and complete grounds.
His manufactory is built with great
taste, and admirably disposed for the business for which it is
designed, in a beautiful valley by the side of the Grand Trunk
Canal, which is here purposely widened, and forms a fine sheet of
water. From the side of the canal, opposite the works, on an
eminence stands the dwelling house which commands a charming
prospect of the vale below; through which the canal, in many
windings, carries through the kingdom the productions of various
The view closes by Harecastle, and
the hills which separate Staffordshire from Cheshire. The name of
this place was given to it by Mr Wedgwood, in memory of an ancient
state in Italy, once celebrated for the exquisite taste of its
Pottery; the remaining specimens of which have served greatly to
improve the beauty of the modern articles. Near the manufactory is
the village; built by Mr Wedgwood, for the accommodation of his
workmen, who chiefly reside here. It forms a neat and regular
street, about the middle of which is a free school, where the
children resident in Etruria and its vicinity are educated in the
rudiments of useful knowledge.”

Etruria in 1775:

Extract from William Yates
1775 Map of Staffordshire
- showing Etruria & the Ridge House -
The Trent & Mersey Canal can be seen running through Etruria
the Caldon Canal is not built & now shown on this map
- click map for larger
area of map -
in the Township of Shelton:
Although nowadays Etruria is recognised as a
distinct area in its own right, originally Etruria lay in the Township of
Shelton (see the 1842 map below) - hence the name of the iron and steel
works which grew up there - "Shelton Bar"

Shelton in 1842 - Etruria
was in the Township of Shelton
both the Trent & Mersey & Caldon Canals are
shown in this map
- click map for larger view -
