Chartism and events in Lane End:
"the first election under
the act, December 1832...... "did not pass off very peaceably for on the
day of nomination, at Stoke, whilst Mr Davenport was addressing the
electors, missiles were profusely thrown into the hustings, which
inflicted some severe contusions on several gentlemen, and drove the
candidates and their friends to seek shelter in the adjoining Town Hall;
and, on the afternoon of the first day of polling, at Lane End, the mob
proceeded to demolish the windows of the Crown and Anchor Inn, where Mr
Davenport's committee were assembled; and that gentleman was indebted
for his personal safety to an escort formed by the more respectable
portion of the friends of the adverse candidates. Several of the houses
and manufactories at Lane End, belonging to those who espoused Mr
Davenport's cause, were likewise attacked at night, and the windows
demolished by the lawless mob. At Hanley too, on the second day, when Mr
Davenport's success became certain, the enraged populace proceeded to
similar outrages; but, at the two other polling places, Stoke and
Burslem, where Mr Davenport's interest preponderated, perfect
tranquillity prevailed."

The Crown & Anchor Inn
(now Crown Hotel), by the railway bridge
in Lane End
The Inn
on the left where the Chartist rioters smashed the windows and through
the railway bridge can be seen the Town Hall where Mr. Davenport
(parliamentary candidate) and his committee had to seek refuge.
wish we could pass over the events of this election without being
compelled to speak of the disgraceful scenes to which it gave rise... As
soon as it was known to the populace at Lane End, that Messrs Bridges
and Sheridan were defeated, much ill humour was manifested there; and in
the evening, the mob commenced breaking the windows of the houses and
manufactories belonging to the friends of the successful candidates, at
an appalling rate; and not only windows, but shutters, doors etc fell
before their fury; large blugeons were used by the rioters in their
lawless proceedings. The violence and rapidity of the attack spread
consternation among the inhabitants and the police and special
constables became entirely powerless. The police office fell beneath the
attacks of the assailants, who liberated a notorious character confined
in it on a charge of felony. Their outrageous proceedings did not cease
until after midnight, and the next morning several acting magistrates
came to the scene of the riots one of whom, Captain Powis, was attacked
in a most brutal manner by a desperate character who was protected by
his associates."
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