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Albion, Park Works & Park Place Works location
From an OS map c. 1900
Park Place Works
Green: Park Works
Blue: Albion Works
These photos are taken from Normacot Road at the rear of the works:-
Park Place Works:
This site was split up into two smaller potbanks. This division of the property is still in evidence today: the Gladstone Pottery and the Park Place Works (now the Roslyn Works) , which lies adjacent to Gladstone, forms the other part of the original property.
To the left the Park Place Works
Park Works:
Park works was under the ownership of Charles Allerton & Sons (1859-1942), these works have been demolished and form part of the car park for the Gladstone Museum.Albion Works:
The Albion works are still in existence and three business's are in operation: Royal Winton Pottery, Ceramic Gas Products Ltd and Taylor Tunnicliff Ltd.
Park Place works to the left
The gap (car park) is the location of the Park Works
To the right is the Albion Works
Park Place & Albion works
with St. James Church on the right
Photos: July 2005
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updated 9 July 2005