A mark used by Barker
Bros from around 1937 onwards. The trade
name was Royal Tudor Ware.
The Barker Brothers Meir Works
was in Barker Street, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent. The
information on this page was provided by Margaret
Weston, the daughter of Harold Salt, who was the
Clay Shop Manager at these works for over 50 years.
See more on Barker

Barker Brothers Ltd,
Meir Works, Longton.
photo taken 1960s
Lovatt collection
© copyright, of MLA West
Midlands, Chrysalis
Stoke-on-Trent Libraries
- used
for private, research, education purposes - do not
reproduce for profit -

Mr Harold Salt
Clay Manager (later Senior Clay Manager)
- Barker Bros

father was Harold Salt & mother
Millicent Lewis.
She was a selector & made up the
Their wedding present was a
canteen of cutlery which I still
have. It has a small inlaid
plaque which reads .....
to Mr. & Mrs. H. Salt by the
Potting Departments of Messrs.
Barker Bros. Ltd on the occasion
of their marriage, July 15th
1939" |
As a
child I visited the factory often & can
always remember being absolutely fascinated
to watch the men carrying a board of ware on
each shoulder & sometimes also one on their
head with the ever-present cigarette
dangling from their mouths.
We were never able to take our holidays
during the Wakes fortnight like everyone
else because Harold had to be at work whilst
any maintenance was being carried out - this
was wonderful for me because I always got an
extra 2 weeks holiday when everyone else had
returned to school !! On one occasion work
needed to be done on the tunnel oven & this
was switched off at the beginning of the
Wakes holiday. I went with Harold to the
factory during this time & accompanied him
walking through the oven - I can
remember being quite scared because,
although it had been switched off for a
week, it was still very hot in the middle !
Sampson Smiths
& Barker Bros. were owned by the Hewitt
brothers when Harold first worked there
Gerald Hewitt directed Sampson Smith's &
Arnold Hewitt, Barker Bros.
I remember that they were known by their
Christian names ie "Mr. Arnold ".
Arnold Hewitt can
be seen in the white coat standing at
Harold's left hand at the presentation to Mr

Later Barker
Bros was owned by Alfred Clough - a huge
presence in every way! (see photo)

Margaret Weston with the mug
presented to
her father by the staff at Barker Bros
in 1976
as an afterthought, I have been researching my
family history
& found that my g/g/grandfather, William Woolley,
had a crate making business in Church Street,
Longton in the 1870s."
Margaret Weston

Barker Street, Longton
From a 1898 map |