Alleyway leading to Market Street, Longton.
The Heathcote Hotel is visible opposite.
Photo: 1960's
Lovatt collection
© copyright, of MLA West Midlands, Chrysalis
Stoke-on-Trent Libraries
- used for private, research, education purposes - do not reproduce for
profit -

Large building on the right is the
Heathcoate Arms
at the bottom of Market Street can
be seen the Railway Bridge in Times Square

Market Street runs into Times Square at the
and behind the photographer - Uttoxeter Road.
The Railway Station
and bridge is at the end of the street.
note the tram and tram lines

Market Street, Longton.
Large building on the right is the
Heathcoate Arms
On the left Salter and Salter
note the tram car
just behind the horse and cart
in the centre of the picture