Grove Road, Heron Cross,
Great Fenton
Coal mining nearby
As well as the nearby Fenton and Glebe
Collieries there were two pits that were accessed from Grove Road.
These were the Stafford Colliery and between Stafford Colliery and Grove
Road was Kimball Colliery.

The mines associated with
Heron Cross and Grove Road

Stafford Colliery,
Sideway (1873 - 1969)
Stafford Colliery (now the
site of Britannia Football Stadium) mined coal and iron ore from the
Bowling Alley, Ten Feet, Winghay, Moss and Yard coal seams.

Kemball Colliery, Heron
Cross (1876-1963)
Kimball came under the control of Stafford Colliery. It was used as a
training pit for new recruits in the 1940s. It proved very useful during
World War 2 to train ‘Bevin Boys’. The shafts were known as Pender and
Bourne, and for many years it served as the return airway for Hem Heath
colliery, which had only one shaft until the 1950s.
Kemball was owned by the Stafford Coal and Iron Co. it mined coal and
Staffordshire Past Tracks
Stoke-on-Trent College mining history website
The three houses of
Great Fenton
102, 104,
106 & 108 Grove Road - the interior & occupiers