Bournes Bank,
Once part of a packhorse road which ran from Hanley through Burslem
and onto Tunstall and Church Lawton. When Waterloo Road was complete
in 1817 and later became a turnpike road, the traffic on Bournes Bank
decreased rapidly.
Bournes Bank was
originally called Church Street and was the main path down to St.
John's Church and then on to Hanley.
Many pottery and
related industry buildings and businesses thrived on Bournes Bank. A
school, an ice skating rink and two cinemas found their home on this
unassuming road.
Now (2008) most of
the road is forgotten, lost and derelict - however signs of life and
recovery are to be seen as new houses are being built at the top of
the bank.

Old Church Street used to be the
main route to St. Johns Church, a more direct route was built in
the form of New Church Street.
view is taken half way down and the top of the
Town Hall is just visible on the skyline.
photo: 2000
Bournes Bank was original named
'Church Street' as it was the main route from Burslem to the
parish church of St. John.
Later (by 1812) a more direct route was built in the form of 'New
Church Street' (later the 'new' was dropped to make Church Street - in
the early 1950's re-named 'William Clowes Street') .......... and
'Church Street' was re-named 'Old Church Street' - by 1832 the road
was known as 'Bournes Bank'
Waterloo Road was not built until
1817 and originally Bournes Bank was the road travelled to get to

Burslem - from a plan
taken about the year of 1740
by William Heaton
Bournes Bank was the road
from Burslem to the church & on to Hanley

Plan of Burslem in
"One of the main pack-horse roads, which left Hanley ......
.... passing Cross Hill and in front of the church yard, it ran
by Bournes Bank, a steep incline, to Swan Square. From here the road
probably traversed the slope by way of St. John's Square... "
A Sociological History of Stoke-on-Trent, E J
D Warrillow

Burslem 2008 - MS
Live Maps
purple line shows the pack
horse lane from Hanley
through Burslem to Church Lawton
1 - St. John's Church
2 - Bottle kilns of Acme Marls
3 - Bournes Bank
4 - Swan Square
5 - Wedgwood Memorial building