William Hackwood & Son

William & Thomas Hackwood


Location and period of operation:

William Hackwood & Son





Earthenware and Jasper ware manufacturers at New Hall Works, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England
  • In 1807 William Hackwood had started a manufacturing partnership in the Eastwood area of Hanley. In November 1827 this partnership was dissolved and William Hackwood continued on his own account.

  • Llewellynn Jewitt notes ".. in 1842, they [the New Hall Works] passed into the hands of Messrs. W. Hackwood & Son, who removed from their works near Joiner Square (now called the Eastwood Pottery) for that purpose; and seven years later, Mr. Hackwood senior having died, they were continued by his son, Thomas Hackwood. The goods were various descriptions of earthenware, principally for Continental markets, and bore the name HACKWOOD impressed." - The Ceramic Art of Great Britain, 1878.

  • In some directories the partnership was listed as William & Thomas Hackwood but generally as William Hackwood & Son.

  • William Hackwood died in 1849 and Thomas continued on his own account. 

Previously: William Hackwood

Subsequently: Thomas Hackwood


also see: Numbered Transferware Patterns of the Hackwood Firms 



Summary of the operations of the Hackwood family: 


Works location

operation date

Hackwood & Co
(also known as Hackwood, Dimmock & Co)

Eastwood, Hanley


William Hackwood

Eastwood, Hanley 


William Hackwood & Son

New Hall, Shelton


Thomas Hackwood

New Hall, Shelton





part of a large dinner set in the Pascalia pattern

W H & S


bowl in the flow blue Flower Basket (No 62) pattern

W H & S


the impressed number 24 is probably a body number

photos courtesy:  Peter Terpstra and Femmy Vroegop




Marks and initials used on ware for identification:

all marks from this partnership appear to have the initials W H & S
there do not seem to be any which reflect William & Thomas Hackwood.                                                                                          



W. H. & S


Questions, comments, contributions? email: Steve Birks