Alphabetical Index   H


[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]


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A G Hackney

Hackney, Kirkham & Co / F Hackney & Co  Stoke (Spring 1878-Nov 1879)

Hackwood & Co   Hanley (1807-27)

Hackwood, Dimmock & Co  Hanley (1807-27)

William Hackwood  Hanley (1827-43)

William Hackwood & Son   Hanley (1842-49)

William & Thomas Hackwood  Hanley (1842-49)

Thomas Hackwood  Hanley (1849-56)

Hackwood & Keeling  Hanley (1835-6)

Hales and Adams

Hales, Hancock & Godwin Ltd  these were agents [1913-1960]

John & Ralph Hall Swan Bank, Tunstall [1809-1822]

John & Ralph Hall Sytch Pottery, Burslem [1802-1822] 

John Hall & Sons Sytch Pottery, Burslem [1822-1832]

Ralph Hall (& Co) (& Son)  Swan Bank, Tunstall [1822-1849]

Samuel Hall

Hall Bros (Longton) Ltd  Longton (1947-82)

Hall & Hulme  Hanley (c.1884 - c.1889)

Partnerships with William Hall at the Marlborough Works..  

Hall, Watkin & Co   Hanley (c.1880) Hanley (? - Oct 1880)

Hall & Miller   Hanley (Oct 1880 - 1881)

Hall, Miller & Mountford   Hanley (1881 -  March 1881)

Hall, Mountford & Thomas   Hanley (March 1881 - July 1881)

Hall & Read   Burslem & Hanley (1882-1887)

Hallam, Johnson & Co

Henry Hallen & other Hallen family members  Burslem (c.1841-Dec 1907)

Robert Hamilton

Hamilton & Moore   Longton (1841 - Aug 1858)

John Hammersley

Ralph Hammersley  Tunstall (1860 - 1885)

Ralph Hammersley & Son  Burslem (1885 - 1905)

J & R Hammersley

Hammersley & Asbury  [1872-75]

Hammersley, Freeman & Co  [1865-71]

Hammersley and Co (Longton) Ltd

Hampson, Broadhurst & Broadhurst   Longton  (1847-1849)

Hampson & Broadhurst   Longton  (1849-1853)

R Hancock & Co (1850-51)

Sampson Hancock  Tunstall & Stoke (1858-76 & 1882-91)

Benjamin & Sampson Hancock  Bridge Works, Stoke (1876-81)

Sampson Hancock & Sons


Hancock & Lithcoe (? - 1837)

Hancock & Morley (decorators) Longton [c.1882]

Hancock, Leigh & Co  Swan Bank Pottery, Burslem (c.1860-62)

Hancock, Whittingham & Co Swan Bank Pottery, Burslem (1862-72)

Hancock & Whittingham

J W Handley

Hanley China Company   Hanley (1899-July 1901)

Hanley Porcelain Company  Hanley (1891-99)

Hanover Pottery Ltd

J Harding

William & George Harding Burslem [1851-55]

Harding & Cockson Cobridge [1834-60]

Thomas Harley

A G Harley Jones  Fenton (1905-34)

Harley & Seckerson

John Harrison  Stoke [1781-1816]

Neale Harrison & Co    Hanley [1871-85]

William Harrison

Harrison and Hyatt

Harrison & Phillips  Burslem, Chelsea Works (1914-15)

William Harrop (& Co)  Hanley, Dresden Works (1873-1896)

Harrop & Burgess  Hanley, Dresden Works (1896-1901)

Harvey, Adams & Co

Charles Harvey

Charles Harvey & Son

John & Charles Harvey  Longton (1822-33)

C & W K Harvey Longton (1835-53)

Hassall & Co  - Merchants, Hanley (1890's - 1910's ??)

Hassel & Green  Fenton, Lane Delph (1833)

John Hassels

E Hawley & Son

John Hawley

Hawley & Co   Foley, Fenton (1862-93)

Hawley, Webberley & Co

John Hawthorn  Burslem & Cobridge (1850-84)

Heatmaster  trade name used by Ellgreave pottery

Heath, Warburton & Co

Heath & Bagnell

John Heath

Nathan and John Heath

Joseph Heath & Co   Newfield, Tunstall (c.1824-41)

Joseph Heath Tunstall (1845-53)

Joshua Heath Hanley (c.1770 - c.1800)

J E Heath Ltd   Burslem (1951-96)

Lewis Heath

Thomas Heath

Thomas Heath  Burslem (1809 -1835)

Thomas Heath Longton (1892-1913)

Heath & Blackhurst  Burslem (1859-1879)

Heath and Shorthose

Heath & Tunnicliffe  Burslem (pre 1859)

Charles Heathcote & Co  Lane End (Longton) (1818-24)

John Hebb  Fenton (1856-7)

Hebb & Smith  Longton (1858-9)

The Henry Richards Tile Co Ltd

Henshall & Williamson

Heraldic Pottery Ltd   Trentham (1998-Feb 2025)

John Hewitt

John Hewitt & Son

Hewitt and Bickley

Hewit and Comer

Hewitt and Leadbeater  Longton (1907-19)

Hewitt Bros  Longton (1919-c.1925)

Hibbert & Boughey  Longton (1889 - Sept 1890)

Hicks & Meigh

Hicks, Meigh & Johnson

Hilditch & Co, Hilditch & Martin  Church Street, Lane End (1811 - Nov 1819)

W Hilditch & Sons  Church Street, Lane End (Nov 1819-1830)

Hilditch & Hopwood, Mary Ann Hilditch, William Hopwood Church Street, Longton (1830-59 and the executors 1859-May 1867)

Hill & Co  Longton (1897 - 1920)

William Hines Longton (1885??)

Hines Bros Fenton (1886-1907)

C Hobson (& Son)  Albert Street, Burslem (1865-80)

G & J Hobson  Albert Street, Burslem (1881-1901)

George Hobson  Albert Street, Burslem (1901-23)

R Hobson

Hobson & Co   Longton Longton

Hodson & Derington   Longton (c.1850)

Hodson & Co   Longton (c.1870?-83)

Joseph Holdcroft  Longton (1865-1906)

Holdcrofts Ltd  Longton (1906-39)

W Holdcroft

Holdcroft & Co

Peter Holdcroft & Co  Burslem (1846-52)

Holdcroft, Hill & Mellor

John Holland  Tunstall (1852-4)

Thomas Holland

Holland and Co.

Holland & Green Longton (1853-81)

Holland & Pearson

Samuel Hollins

T and J Hollins

Thomas, John & Richard Hollins

Hollins, Warburton, Daniels & Co,

Hollinshead & Kirkham (Ltd)

Hollinshead & Griffiths

Hollinshead & Stonier

J Hollinson

John Holloway Hanley (1862-7)

C Holmes

Holmes & Plant  Burslem (1885-?)

Holmes, Plant & Maydew  Burslem (1876-85)

Holmes, Plant & Whitehurst  Hanley (1873-75)

Holmes & Son  Longton (1899-1904)

Holmes, Stonier & Hollinshead (1875-82) 

J W Holt

George Hood

Hoods Ltd  Fenton (1919-c.1947)

Hope & Carter  Burslem (1862-80)

Hopkin & Vernon   Burslem (c.1836-1839)

John Horn

Hose Street Pottery 

Hostess Tableware Ltd   Longton (1970-73) (1982?)

Howard Pottery Co Ltd  Shelton (1925-c.1974)

J Howlett & Co

G Howson     Hanley

Howson & Sons Ltd    Hanley

J T Hudden

William Hudson & Son (Longton 1875-94)

William Hudson (Longton 1889-1941)

Hudson and Middleton Ltd (1941+)

>> see details on Hudson & Middleton partnerships

E Hughes & Co  Fenton (1889-1953)

Samuel Hughes

Thomas Hughes

Thomas Hughes  Burslem  & Longport (c.1855-94)

Thomas Hughes & Sons  Longport (1895-1957)

Stephen Hughes & Co    Cobridge (c.1835-46) 

Stephen & Elijah Hughes   Cobridge (1846-53)

Elijah Hughes   Cobridge (1853-c.1868)

John V Hughes   Cobridge (1864)

Hughes, Bennett & Co  Sandyford, Tunstall (Dec 1865-Jan 1867)

Hughes & Robinson  Cobridge (1888-92)

Hughes & Taylor

A J Hull

Henry Hulme & Sons  Burslem (1906-33)

W Hulme

William Hulme (Leighton Pottery Ltd) Cobridge (1948-54)

Hulme & Booth  Burslem (c.1842-62)

J Hulme & Sons

Hulme & Christie  Fenton  (1893-1900)

Hulme & Hawley  Longton (1883-34)

H Hulse & Son   Longton 

Hulse, Nixon & Adderley   Longton (1853-68)

Hulse & Adderley   Longton (1869-75)

John Pitcairn Humphreys   Tunstall & Longton  (1905-09)

Humphreys Brothers   Tunstall (1893-96)



questions / comments / contributions? email: Steve Birks