Alphabetical Index   M


[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]


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Machin & Co

A Machin & Co

J Machin

J Machin & Co

Joseph Machin

Jonathan Machin

Wiliam Machin  Hanley (1875-1911) Hanley (1875-1911)

Machin & Potts  Burslem (1834-1838)

A Mackee

Macintyre & Co Ltd    Burslem  (1854-1966+)

Maddock & Edwards Newcastle St., Burslem  (1830-39)
Maddock & Seddon  Newcastle St., Burslem  (1839-42)

J Maddock  Newcastle St., Burslem  (1842-55)

J Maddock & Sons (Ltd) Newcastle St., Burslem  (1855-1981)

Maddock & Gater

Robert Malkin

Burnham Malkin

Thomas Malkin

Isaac Malkin

R Malkin

Malkin, Edge & Co   tilemakers  Burslem 1866-99

The Malkin Tile Co Ltd | Malkin Tiles (Burslem) Ltd
                                       tilemakers  Burslem 1899-1968

John Mallard

Mansfield & Hackney

Marple, Ellis & Co   Hanley (1859 - 60)

Marple, Turner & Co   Hanley (1850 - 58)

Hugh Mare (Mayer)

Hugh Mare

John & Richard Mare

John Mare

Marlbrough Pottery Company  Hanley (1905 - Sept 1907)

Marsden Tile Co Ltd


Rich Marsh

Moses Marsh Burselm (c1710-15)

Jacob Marsh Burslem (c.1802)

Jacob Marsh Lane Delph (1809-1832)

J Marsh Lane End (1822-1832)

J Marsh  Middleport, Burslem (c.1855)

Marsh & Haywood  Brownhills, Tunstall  (1818-37)

Marsh & Willatt   Hanley  (-1822)

W Martin

Martin and Filsher  Hanley (1880)

Mason's Ironstone China

The Mason family of potters..

Miles Mason (& Co) Lane Delph (1800-1813)

William Mason  Lane Delph (1811-1824)

George & Charles Mason  Lane Delph & Fenton (1813-1830)

C J Mason & Co  Fenton (1830-45)

N Massey

R Massey

Samuel Massey

Mathers & Balls

Robert May
John May  Tunstall, Burslem (c. 1851 - c. 1861)

Elijah Mayer

E Mayer & Son

Mayer & Newbold

Mayer & Sherratt Longton - (1906-41)

Joseph Mayer & Son

Mayer Bros & Elliot   Longport  (1855 - April 1858)
Mayer & Elliot    Longport  (April 1858 - April 1860)

T Mayer  (STOKE 1826-35 & LONGPORT 1836-38)

T Mayer  (SHELTON c.1841-54)

  T & J Mayer  (1843-55)  Burslem (1838-43)

  T J & J Mayer  Burslem (1843-55)

  Mayfayre Pottery

McNeal & Co

A Meakin (Ltd)   Tunstall (1875-1976)
Alfred Meakin (Tunstall) Ltd  Tunstall (1875-1976)
Charles Meakin  Burslem (1870-82); Hanley (1883-89)

Henry Meakin   Cobridge (1873-76)

J Meakin  Shelton (1850-51)

J & G Meakin   Hanley (1859-2000)

Meakin Bros (& Co)   Burslem (c.1865-73)

Lewis Henry Meakin  Shelton (1852-53)

Meakin & Co    Cobridge (c.1867-76)

Charles Meigh  Hanley  (1835-49)
Charles Meigh & Son  Hanley  (1850-61)

C Meigh, Son & Pankhurst  Hanley  (1850-50)

Meigh and Walthall  Hanley  (1790-1802)

Job Meigh & Son   Hanley  (1802-34)

Meigh & Forester  Longton (1883-86)

John Meir

John Meir & Son

Melba China Co Ltd  Longton 1946-51/2
'MELBA'  a number of manufacturers used the name 'MELBA'  


Mrs Mellor

Charles Mellor

Mellor, Taylor & Co  Burslem (1880-1903)

Mellor, Venables & Co  Burslem (1834-51)

Melrose Pottery Co Ltd

Middleton & Hudson (1870-1889) Longton 

J H Middleton (1889-1941) Longton
 >> see details on Middleton & Hudson partnerships

W R Midwinter Ltd  Burslem (1910-1987)

William Miller

G Mills  

H Mills  

Mills family of potters at Dresden Works, Hanley

Mrs Elizabeth Mills Hanley (1880) Hanley (1852-63)

Mills Brothers Hanley (1880) Hanley (1864-69)

Edward G Mills Hanley (1880) Hanley (1869-75)

William Mills Hanley (c.1875-1880+)

Herbert Minton & Co

Thomas Minton & Sons

Minton & Boyle   Stoke  (1836-41)

Minton & Co Stoke  (1849-1878)

Minton, Hollins & Co

Minton, Poulson and Co

Mintons Ltd (1879-1968) Stoke

Thomas Mitchell

W Moorcroft Ltd   Cobridge, Burslem (1913- )

Samuel Moore (& Son)  Longton (1858-1872)

Moore Bros  Longton (1872-1905)

Bernard Moore  Stoke (1905-1915)

Moore & Co Longton (1872-92)

Moore Bros  Longton (1872-1905)

M Moore & Co  Hanley (1898-1903)

Moore, Leason & Co  Longton (1892-96)

Moorland Pottery

T Moreton

Morgan, Williams & Co  1856-July 1857, Burslem
Morgan, Wood & Co  1857-70, Burslem

Morley & Asbury Shelton (c.1852)

Francis Morley & Co Shelton (1845-58)

Morley & Ashworth  Shelton (1859-62)

Morley & Co  Longton [c.1880]

W Morley Longton [1880-1882]

William Morley Fenton (1879-1906)

Morley Fox & Co   Fenton (1906-44)

William Morley Co Ltd Fenton (1944-57)

Morris & Co

Thomas Morris  Longton (1897 - 1901)

Thomas Morris  Longton (1892 - 1937)

Morris & Davis

Mort Barker and Chester

Moseley & Dale Cobridge (dissolved Nov 1801)

John & William Moseley Burslem (dissolved Nov 1809)

John Moseley (sometimes misspelt Mosley / Mozeley) 
Burslem & Cobridge (c.1802-1822)

Thomas & Henshall Moss

A J Mountford

G T Mountford  Stoke (c.1888-98) 
George Mountford  Fenton (Nov 1861-Nov 1862) 
J Mountford  Stoke (c.1855-59) 
Mountford & Scarratt  Fenton (? - Nov 1861) 
Mountford & Thomas  Hanley (July 1881 - April 1888) 

John Mozeley

B & J Myatt

John, William & James Myatt

Joseph Myatt

M F Myles   decorator

Myott, Son & Co (Ltd)

questions / comments / contributions? email: Steve Birks