Mountford |
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Location and period of operation:
George Mountford |
Fenton |
Nov 1861 |
Nov 1862 |
manufacturer at the Park Works, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent,
Staffordshire Advertiser references: ‘Pottery References 1795-1865’ Rodney Hampson |
Previously: Mountford & Scarrett
The Staffordshire
20th December 1862
Re George Mountford, Earthenware Manufacturer, Fenton, a bankrupt - To EARTHENWARE MANUFACTURERS and Others - Important SALE of valuable FIXTURES, WEIGHING MACHINE, WORKING MOULDS, BLOCKS and CASES, BOARDS, 3000 SAGGARS, POTTERS' STOVES, SLIP PUMP, TROUGHS, BISCUIT WARE, STILLAGES, BENCHING, FRIT KILN, and other UTENSILS and MATERIALS. Mr. WM. WALTON will SELL by AUCTION, on Monday next, December 22, and following day if necessary, on the premises, the PARK WORKS, FENTON, in the occupation of Mr. George Mountford, all the valuable EFFECTS enumerated below:- SLIPHOUSE - Slip pump, troughs and shifting boxes, lawns, blungers, lot of clay in mixing tubs, ball clay, prepared clay, shavings, seven lawns and rims, three ladegawns, sundries. MOULDMAKERS' PLACE - Stove pot, plaster ark, shelving and supports, leather cotties, five bags of plaster, water tub and large quantitiy of working moulds, blocks, &c. STABLES - Chaff cutter, corn coffer, shovel, pikel, manure, &c. SAGGARMAKERS' PLACE - Bench, stillaging, batting flag, saggar bench, five drums, three kiln brick moulds, flue and fireplace, slip kiln, blunging pot. NEW PRESSERS' PLACE - Quantity cup bowl and plate moulds, lot new fire bricks, the building forming stove, shelving, benches, whirlers, sand ark, wedging and batting blocks. THROWING HOUSE - Wedging blocks, peg posts, flue and chimney, stove pot, brick and wood clay stillage, three glaze tub blunger. PRTTERS' PLACES - Quantities of working moulds, benching, stoves, shelving, stillaging, stools, boards, batting and wedging blocks, doors, frames, partitioning, whirlers, jigger, plaster flags, stove pots, shoards, shovels, pick. BISCUIT WAREHOUSE - Quantity biscuit earthenware, boards, five tubs of stilts and spurs, baskets, bench with drawers. SAGGAR HOUSE AND DIPPING HOUSE - Squeezing box and stillage, six fidder boards, fireplace and flue, five sets of oven steps, 3,000 glost and biscuit saggars, stillaging. MIXING PLACE - Set 7 flint stone, &c., arks ; set of 4 ditto, 8 baskets, quantity materials, sundries. MACHINE HOUSE - Patent weighing machine, to weight six tons (nearly new), stove and flue, 4 carboys, iron mortar and pestle, steelyards, lot colour jars and contents, 2 stools, sieves, sundries. PRINTING SHOP - 3 washing-out tubs, lot biscuit ware, sundries, benching, stillaging, shelving. COLOUR ROOM AND OFFICE - Book rack, 4 stools, stove and pipe, lot of envelopes and billheads, grate, shelving, rack, writing desk, set scales and weights, 10 colour brackets, ditto jars, and colours, slate, shovel, turners' tools, materials, earthenware, &c., gas fittings, water taps, and piping. Sale at twelve o'clock punctually. |
Questions, comments, contributions? email: Steve Birks